Friday, October 15, 2010

Money is Fungible

The "money is fungible" argument is that no matter how a group segregates its funds, it doesn't matter. The government has used this argument for decades when it came to the charities associated with terrorist groups, from NorAid in the 1980s to Hamas today.* The government has consistently maintained that by giving to a terrorist group's charitable arm, the money freed up other funds that could be then used for terrorist activities. Presumably, one would have to travel far and wide to find a conservative politician who did not agree with shutting down Islamic charities in the US.

Which makes laughable the assertions of the Chamber of Commerce that they segregate foreign contributions to make sure that foreign money is not used for political purposes.

* Prosecutions against those who gave to NorAid were blocked by politicians such as Peter King of NY, who had no qualms about supporting Irish terrorism.

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