Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's OK If You Are a Republican to.. your airplane on a runway that is both closed and being worked on by maintenance crews.

I presume that any pilot who is not a sitting U.S. Senator who did that stunt would have their license suspended in about four heartbeats.



  1. Wow. It's not clear an ordinary citizen pilot could get away with that. He didn't even claim to not see the "X"s, just did it.

    Reminds me of when I used to tease my instructor as a student pilot, returning from cross-country trips. I told her it was lucky "runway 10" was right into the wind, but why the roman numerals?

  2. I'm assuming it was an uncontrolled airport, but my question is was a pilot deviation filed with the FAA? Of course as a GOP politicion I'm sure the law doesn't apply to him, good thing nobody died! The audacity of someone who decides to take off on a taxiway does impress me though...


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