Thursday, October 21, 2010

Global Vampire Squid News

Here's a real shocker: The thieves and pirates of Goldman Sachs have given millions of dollars to the Chamber of Commerce's slush political campaign, along with the other rapacious bastards in various insurance businesses. Dow Chemical, one of the largest makers of carcinogenic products in the world, gave the Chamber of Corruption well over a million dollars.

If you think that those companies give a flying fuck about you, you are sadly mistaken. They don't care if your health car stinks, if the environment is poisoned or if the climate warms past a tipping point, only so long as their opportunity to rake in boatloads of cash today is not hindered in the slightest.


  1. Is it a requirement of financial idiots that they can not see past the end of their noses? Is the future that bleak that they don't even try to imagine what the possible outcomes of their fuckery are? Of course it can be bleak and has a much higher chance of long term failure when the thinking organ is stuffed up one's ass.

  2. They are simply thugs with the gutter morals of rapists and thieves, Ruckus. They care not what damage they do, so long as they get what they desire.


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