Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Barry Loves Him Some Wiretapping

The Bush Obama Administration is pushing for changes to the law to make it even easier for the FBI to wiretap people.

I've said it before: Governments never give up power without a fight. I have yet to see an attorney general, let alone a president, with the stones to tell the organs of state security "no, you cannot do that."


  1. With any luck, they'll be just the same with paying their bills: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2008-01-10-fbi-probe_N.htm

  2. Maybe I missed something in the article, but there's nothing inappropriate with making sure the network supports the ability to be tapped.
    I didn't see in the article where it said it should be easier to obtain a wiretap warrant, or that it should be OK to tap without a warrant.


  3. Sure there's something wrong, Dave. Anyone can use a back door, not just government officials with warrants.


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