Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tax Breaks for Cable and Oil Companies (and the Rich)

Because that's how the party of the Confederacy rolls.

By the way, British Petroleum: You can stop running those stupid television ads and buying full-page ads in the New York Times and other papers, touting how you're going to "make this right" and how you've set up a $20 billion dollar fund to help mitigate damages due to your reckless conduct in drilling the Macondo oil well. First off, we all know that the Obama Administration damn near wrenched your arms out of their sockets to get you to agree to the restitution fund. Second, that $20B isn't fully funded.

BP, if you had your way about it (and you would have if George Bush were president), you wouldn't have done fuck-all to help anyone. Everyone who has suffered along the Gulf Coast would have had to sue you in some court where everyone in the courthouse, from the judges to the guy who swamps out the bathrooms, is in your pocket.

Your ads are a waste of money. You're not convincing anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Not only does it waste money, it's money that should be spend on cleaning up and paying for the catastrophe that BP caused. It's not a lot of money in the scheme of things but full page ads and TV time cost money. Production of the ads cost money. This should go to cleaning up and reimbursement for BP's disaster, not to bullshit PR.


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