Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Standing Up for the Rich

That's what the party of Hoover does. It's what they've been doing for the last ninety years.
The Senate Republican leader proposed legislation on Monday to continue all of the Bush-era tax cuts indefinitely, testing the willingness of Democrats to allow a tax increase on the wealthiest Americans...
The last Republican politician who gave a shit about working Americans was Theodore Roosevelt, who, by coincidence, has been dead for ninety years.

It doesn't help matters that there are turncoat Democrats like Ben Nelson and Traitor Joe who are also eager to serve as lackeys to the rich.

Putting more money in the pockets of those at the bottom of the economic ladder helps stimulate the economy. People who are having trouble making ends meet are going to use that money to buy what they need, which means more money moves through the economy. But if the government pus more cash in the pockets of the rich, they don't spend it. They won't be running out to buy a new F-150 truck.

If the Democrats have any sense and guts, they will hang this issue around the necks of the Republicans like a dead and stinking albatross.

But the Democrats have neither.

(H/T for the "rich don't spend" link)


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