Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Over 50 and Unemployed? One Word: Alpo.

Between the depth of the Bush Recession and the intransigence of the Confederacy party towards doing anything to push the economy along, it is starting to appear that if you are over 50 and out of work, you may be forever screwed.

Must be part of their plan to save Social Security, I guess: Get older people to die sooner.


  1. Alpo -- are you kidding? That shit is expensive. Roadkill, on the other hand, is free.

  2. Time to read Carl Hiaasen novels and note Skink's recipes for road kill a la mode?

    - Badtux the Unhappily Snarking Penguin

  3. & the lady in the article was of the college educated middle class; how are 50-something blue collar workers managing?

  4. eumenidis, I think the answer is "horribly".


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