Friday, September 24, 2010

The FBI Once Equated Protesting with Treason

Now they equate it with terrorism.

So, Dear Sheeple, don't go out and protest something if you don't want the goons from the FBI kicking down your door.

Same old shit, different administration. I take it that President "I Taught Constitutional Law" Obama didn't get into the 4th Amendment in his class.



  1. Do we actually need the FBI? I mean, DHS totally snarfed up their bailiwick, right? That's probably why they're seeing terrorists behind every tree. Trying to stay pertinent.

    I've got a government spending cut for the Rethugs! They'll see me as a hero!

  2. I got a 404 on the link and let them know what I thought of that. I put the name of your blog in my complaint, except for the "comma I" at the end, which I never noticed before. What's up with that?

  3. Charles, it's from the Pink Floyd song. Most people, though, leave off the ", I", but not all, when they refer to this blog.

  4. Oh. I recognized the song immediately when I heard it, but I don't think I ever knew the lyrics. I need more dope.

  5. Charles, I changed the link to another locale, so you should be able to read the story.

  6. At least they got a warrant. Have you seen "Covert Affairs"? It's all gung-ho anti-terrorist, except there is a little thread of WTF is going on here? It's just entertainment, and Piper is nice to look at.

    There are more agencies, more people, and more money employed in "Security" by the government than ever before, like ten times as much as in 2000. Can't remember where I read that. They are probably all tripping over each other looking for someone to bust. Here's your chance to get on the news.


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