Monday, July 12, 2010

Firefly, `80s Version

If it had aired back then, these might have been the opening credits:



  1. Firefly was a grossly under rated sci-fi show.

  2. It won't surprise you to know that I have DVDs of both the series and the movie.

  3. You too, hmm?

    The movie was disappointing to me though, it showed the advantage of a television series vs. movies -- *time*. A series has time to get to know the characters and move them where they need to be without it seeming robotic. The movie just had to cram too much into too little time, and felt really, really rushed as a result.

    And yeah, this is another thing that Fox f*cked up. I don't know why anybody would want to run a series on Fox, they f*ck with you big-time. I bet Joss won't make *that* mistake again!

    - Badtux the Scifi Penguin

  4. I bet Joss won't make *that* mistake again!

    One word response: Dollhouse.

  5. Oh nooooo, you has pushed the "Must Watch Firefly" button! I also own the DVDs and movie....oh, if only to "misbehave" so effectively!


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