Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Fuckery of the Obama Administration; BP Edition

Could the Administration be any further in bed with BP?
Coast Guard officials told ABC News that BP refused to allow them to release the more startling images, arguing they were proprietary. But at the time, the agency was doing little to convey to the world what the images were showing. Coast Guard Admiral Mary Landry was sticking with estimates, calculated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which put the spill's size at about 5,000 barrels a day for several weeks. Coast Guard officials said they were focused on the response, and advised the public not to worry about just how much oil was pouring into the water.
At this point, Dick Cheney is probably raising a glass of his favorite vintage of "Blood of Virgin Girls" and toasting the Obama Administration for continuing his policy of being one with the oil industry.

After all, the government has basically given BP the ability to control the police and to try to keep reporters and photographers away from oil-soaked beaches and animals.

It's time this fuckery ends. If we had wanted an administration that was in bed with the oil industry, we would have elected Grandpa McCain and Bible Spice. The people that the Obama Administration is looking out for are not the people who voted for him, who would ever vote for him or who would give him a lot of money. I know that I gave Chimpy a lot of grief for always pandering to his base and most of the time I'm glad that Obama seems to see himself as president of the country rather than, as Chimpy did, president of only his political supporters, but jeez! Obama does need to have a care of those of us that brung him.

He needs to have a thought for those of us who are not part of the oil industry and who voted and gave money and worked to put him where he is now; the same people who are appalled at the cavalier attitude towards safety that British Petroleum has made part of its corporate culture. Jon Stewart pointed out the other night that if Exxon were to have a safety record that was seventy times worse than it is now, BP would still be ten times as worse as Exxon.

I don't know why President Obama has been so willing to hook up with BP on this. Somebody needs to go into the Oval Office and give him a dope slap.

Wake the fuck up, Barry. Those guys are not your friends and they never will be.

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