Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Fat of the Land

It is becoming a national security issue. 27% of all young adults are too fat to qualify for military service. In 39 states, the military-aged adults are either overweight or obese. It is over 50% in Kentucky, Mississippi and Alabama.

When I was a kid, physical fitness was a high priority in schools, a priority that was established by the Kennedy Administration and, I believe, funded by Federal money. PT class was mandatory all the way through high school.

Of course, we need to have some sense about it; we don't need people who look as though they just walked out of a concentration camp.

(Insert old USN saying: "I wouldn't fuck her with your dick" here.) 

But for reasons of both health care costs and national security, we need to get this trend of being a nation of lard-asses reversed.


  1. This has got to be a conundrum for the conservatives. One one hand they are claiming that it is the parent's responsibility to ensure that their kids eat healthy. Some will go as far as to oppose having the schools offer healthier food and require more exercise. On the other hand, with the kids being so fat, who is going to fight in their wars? If they try to do anything about it, they can easily slip into the realm of hypocrisy.

  2. I think having some standards for fitness is a great idea---but it needs to begin with an understanding that fitness is more than mere thinness. That skin-upholstered skeleton isn't fit, but she sure as hell is thin.

  3. Never fear, Rush Limbaugh has the solution to all our child nutrition problems: Let them eat dumpster scraps.

    No, seriously. I'm not joking. He actually said that. For real.

    - Badtux the "Marie Antoinette time?" Penguin


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