Monday, June 7, 2010

The Attitude of the British Polluters Regarding Oil Spills

They tend to take a strict line when the spill is on their property.

But as for on other people's property or in the sea, not so much. BP's oil spill into the Arctic Ocean didn't receive much coverage, since it is both far away and the Republican government in Alaska doesn't give a shit about oil spills.

And then there is the other BP spill:
LONDON—As the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico entered its eighth week Wednesday, fears continued to grow that the massive flow of bullshit still gushing from the headquarters of oil giant BP could prove catastrophic if nothing is done to contain it.
I'd boycott them, but I stopped using BP gasoline almost ten years ago. At the time, I was living in an area where BP had a lot of the stations and their gas was cheaper than the other brands. At 33,000 miles, the oxygen sensor in my car failed. When I asked the dealership why, the service manager shrugged and said "they sometimes do that." The service writer, on the other hand, told me that the cars that came in for O2 sensor failure tended to be gassed up at BP and those owners who used other brands weren't showing anywhere near the same amount of sensor failures.

I stopped using BP gasoline and went another 80,000 miles before the replacement O2 sensor failed.

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar experience with ARCO gas (which is BP's brand name on the West Coast for historical reasons). When I filled up my little Ford Aspire with the ARCO gas, it'd sputter and run like crud. I took it to a Ford specialist, he pulled the code and shrugged, "it says it's misfiring but doesn't say why, try a different gas." So I did. And the sputtering went away.

    Good 'nuff for me. BP sucks even when they're not named BP.

    - Badtux the Gassy Penguin


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