Wednesday, May 5, 2010

zOMG!!!1!! The Times Square Bomber Bought a Gun!!!1!!!

As the New York Times and Mayor Michael Bloomberg go into full-blown pearls-clutching mode.

News flash: The guy bought a {gasp} car!!1!! He could have driven it down Broadway and smashed into a crowd of pedestrians at high speed!!!1!!1! Somebody do something!!!!

Oh, and he visited Time Square two years ago!!! Nobody ever goes back there, somebody has to do something!!!!!

By the crotch hairs of Your Dear and Fluffy Lord, will somebody please repeatedly tase Mike Bloomberg (and Joe Lieberman, while you are at it)?

Get a fucking grip.


  1. Listen carefully and you can hear me applauding from the Antarctic.

  2. Must be getting colder down there, too.

  3. I love your finely tuned sense of irony...

  4. ORD, what I I say? It's a gift. :)

  5. What is it with gun control nuts, both on the right and the left, thinking that someone who is willing to break the law against a violent crime will somehow hesitate to break gun control laws?


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