Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Foreign Agents?

Are cardinals, bishops and priests agents of a foreign power? I ask this because the Obama Administration has filed a brief with the Supreme Court arguing that the Vatican is immune from being sued for its child-molesting priests because it is a foreign state.

Then are not at least the cardinals and bishops foreign agents? My understanding is that they are promoted to being bishops and cardinals and assigned to their jobs by the Vatican. The Vatican exercises some degree of oversight, though probably not a terrible amount, as I would suspect that their rules evolved during the days when it took weeks and months to travel from Rome to a far-off place like Scotland. The cardinals also vote in the papal elections.

It would seem to me that the church should not have it both ways; that they are both a foreign power and their hierarchy here are not foreign agents.

But evidently, they've been having it both ways for decades.


  1. Visas for any employee of the Catholic Church, or they go.

    Prison for the ones who tricked their way into our military.

    Prison on espionage charges for any that have heard confessions of any government/military employees.

    No tax exemption: It's not just a religion, it's a foreign business.

    Either all that, or they're open to prosecution and lawsuits.

  2. They're a religion that's a very popular one in this country. That means they can say or do just about anything, and millions of Americans will back their right to do it. Many more will openly wonder how you would dare to question their actions.

    If you're looking for an explanation of why the government puts up with this, you needn't look any further.


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