Local animal rescue workers have volunteered to help treat birds affected by the slick and to collect data that would also be used to help calculate penalties for the spill. But federal officials have told the volunteers that the work must be done by a company hired by BP.The Obama Administration needs to get of the bed that it is sharing with BP.
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Friday, May 21, 2010
Conflict of Interest, Ya Think??- BP Edition
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What's more cost effective? Wiping down slicked birds and beasts one at a time, or tossing them all into a chipper/shredder?
Obama better sniff the political wind and figure out a better way to handle this. I'd hate to be on the side of the teabaggers.
I wonder if the CG will be in charge of checking the id's of volunteers . . . ?
ReplyDeleteNangleator, I know how you feel. I had to bite my tongue today and admit that Rush Limbaugh was right (almost) when he called this situation "Obama's Katrina". From the incompetence to the emphasis upon PR to the attempts at covering up the extent of the problem, Obama's response has been almost 100% the same as Bush's was to Katrina. Well, with one exception. Bush was venal and incompetent because, well, that's what he was. Obama, on the other hand, appears to be doing it in order to benefit a foreign company. However evil the Bushies were, at least they weren't doing so in service to the British, yo. So in that respect, the Obama Administration's response has been WORSE than Katrina. A fact which I have a major problem with, yo.
ReplyDelete- Badtux the Tongue-biting Penguin