Tuesday, May 25, 2010

British Petroleum to Feds: "Fuck You."

In a tense standoff, BP continued to spray a product called Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico on Monday to break up a vast oil spill despite a demand by federal regulators that it switch to something less toxic.
Why should BP care? First off, they're a big corporation and, as we all know, according to the principles of the party of Hoover and the Teabaggers, corporations can do no wrong. There are enough politicians that have BP's back on this, even though BP has dumped something over 100 million gallons of oil into the Gulf o Mexico.

Second, the Gulf of Mexico is a very long way from the United Kingdom, so British Petroleum really doesn't give a shit.


  1. And their military division, called the United States Coast Guard, strangely enough, has this lame excuse about: "The United States doesn't have the equipment or expertise, so they have to do it."

    We'd fucking have it if we seized it!

    Deliberately drilling beyond the legal limit, deliberately dumping toxic chemicals where they will harm U.S. citizens... This sounds just a little like terrorism. We've got laws for that sort of thing, right?

  2. Ah, don't you know the rule? It's not terrorism when white people, or businesses run by white people, do it.

  3. Have to spread the rumor that the company is owned by welfare moms who produce nothing but crack babies!

    BP stands for Brown People!

  4. Nangleator, you got a point, War on Terror rules means we get to "extraordinarily rendition" BP executives to Baghram to get the Water Treatment until we get executives who don't thumb their nose at the U.S. government. Oh wait, I forgot, like EBM sez, that only applies to BROWN people, and BP's executives are WHITE, my bad!

    But geeze, what's the fun of having "black sites" to torture people in, if we don't get to torture people in them like BP's entire executive suite who so roundly deserve it? Sheesh!

    BTW, BP does *NOT* have any expertise here. All of their expertise is hired. All BP provided was the money bags, not the equipment, not the expertise. My take: We (the U.S. government) should hire Halliburton to deal with this. Halliburton's oilfield services division are experts at dealing with this kind of situation. Yes, I know about their B&R division electrocuting our soldiers in Iraq, but that's a different division, basically a different company. I worked for a competitor to Halliburton in the oilfield services business and we could only compete with them on price, not quality -- they were top notch.

    BP has an inherent conflict of interest here. Their natural desire is to suck oil out of the gusher, not cap it, because then they can sell the oil. They need to go before a hurricane comes through and sucks all this oil up into tornado spouts and drops it all over the interior of the Gulf Coast states, giving us an even *worse* environmental disaster...


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