Sunday, May 30, 2010

Brave State Trooper Guns Down a Kitten

I wish this were a joke, but it is not. A North Carolina state trooper shot and killed his neighbor's kitten because the kitten was climbing onto his car. The neighbors were not amused at having their son's pet gunned down.

They pressed charges. The trooper was charged with two counts of animal abuse and found guilty.

Now he's an ex-trooper.



  1. I especially love the message, "The commenting function on this story has been turned off because of abuse" at the bottom of the story, because you just *know* that the abuse consisted of ranting cat lovers making dire threats to this cop's life :).

    So let's see. The cop says that the cat was Pinky the Cat. The family says that the cat was a mellow kitteh. But even if the cat was Pinky II, shooting it was a bit, err, *extreme*. Not to mention that the proper thing to do at that point is call Animal Control, not attempt to take the cat out of the cage yourself...

    My take: We need to put this guy in a jail cell with Pinky the Cat for a few years. Well, not Pinky the Cat, since Pinky the Cat escaped and has never been found, but you get the point.

    -- Badtux the Cat-lover Penguin

  2. What a hollow, empty life he'll have now, with no one to abuse, no one to bully, and any murdering he does may actually result in real punishment...

  3. We're seeing mire and more of these "cop kills family pet" stories, and more militarized, jackbooted police playing urban commando.

    I do not like where this is going.

  4. Wow, what a hero. Shooting a young domestic kitty in a trap. Cause yeah, any cat in a trap is not going to be Happy Hello Kitty. I don't for a second believe he didn't know it was the neighbors cat. What an ass.

  5. No kidding. At least this guy is no longer free to abuse his community with a gun and a badge.

    This is even worse than all those "I was serving a warrant and the dog WAS HEADIN RIGHT FOR US so I had to shoot it" stories because Officer Unfriendly went out of his way to trap and kill a kitten. Who might get footie prints on his car! Hope he felt like a biiiig man for a minute there.

  6. This is, to my mind, one of the offshoots of the militarization of the police forces, thanks in large part to the War on Drugs and now the GWOT.


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