Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Some Folks Do Deserve to be Whacked

Like the brutal clown(s) in Illinois who beat a cat and then nailed by one paw to a utility pole.

Hopefully the cops will catch these asswipes and get them sent away. There is an argument to be made that anyone who would do such an act has a propensity to do similar acts to people.

There probably is an argument to be made that the perps ought to be nailed by one foot to a telephone pole and left there overnight. But that would be wrong.


  1. But that would be wrong.

    I don't think so.

  2. While I agree with Fixer, I think that a fire ant hill is a more proactive response.

  3. There probably is an argument to be made that the perps ought to be nailed by one foot to a telephone pole and left there overnight.

    'Frog-marched to the nearest ditch for 40 grains of rehabilitation applied directly to the brain' occurred to me. But (obligatory disclaimer) That Would Be Wrong Too.

    For the rest of their natural lives these twisted fucks ought to be dragged in for interrogation on every available pretext. Sooner or later they'll nail 'em for something.

  4. But that would be wrong

    Not really that wrong. Like 70 in a 65 zone wrong.


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