Saturday, April 3, 2010

Let's Fucking Do This

"As I listen to health care opponents talking about rising up and revolution, I guess my one thought is: Bring it on. Let's fucking do this. I'm kind of sick of their shit. We have guns, too." -- Wyatt Cenac

Go about 5:50 into this:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Health Care Slime Machine
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform

I'm not advocating that folks arm themselves, slap Obama bumper stickers on their car and go trolling for Teabaggers such as this clown. That would be wrong.

(Go about 7:05 into it for Aasif Mandvi's solution.)


  1. I've got an Obama baseball hat, pink of course, in my back window. No one has tried pulling me over yet. I should probably worry about these mean old dingbats getting their underwear in a knot over it I suppose. I've also got an evolve fish on my car too. I drive slower than everyone else around me and they all pass me by in this red, red, red state.

  2. oops, that's my school blog handle. It's me liberality...

  3. "We have guns, too."

    Love it!

  4. BiB/Lib, I've done the same thing.


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