Sunday, April 18, 2010

Land of the Fee

So, does that mean that this particular wingnut supports privatization?

Or maybe he is just your run-of-the-mill Teabagger.

One can guess as to whether he was (a) a product of the public school system; (b) home-schooled by someone who was unclear on the concept of spelling, or (c) went to a religious school and spent most of his days trying not to be raped by the clergy.

The comment lines are open.

(H/T  and more images here)


  1. My favorite is the guy in the Paul Revere costume with a sign saying:

    The Highest Form of Patriotic

  2. Freedom?
    Is ambiguous and dependent on who is making the statement.

    Also subjective.

    Free? In what context?

    He's leaning rarher than marching and probobly has no idea why he is holding that sign [parents?].

    It all is about someone who is not white and church going [their church or their friends] being in a position of control.

    When Republicans are in power they blame the plane and when they are not, they blame the pilot.


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