Monday, March 1, 2010

Turn On Your Tap and Get Hot and Cold Running Crud

That was a line from a nearly 50 year old song about pollution. But, sad to say, it is becoming timely once more.

Polluters, such as companies and even some Federal agencies (such as the Air Force), have seized upon two Supreme Court rulings to claim that they have the right to dump whatever filth they want into the nation's water supplies. Congress has been unable to fix the legal problems, first because a polluter's best friend was in the White House and now because a certain blubbery fascist with a television show has seized on the issue; when he blubbers for his idiot viewers call Congress, they do.

So if your local water supply is becoming contaminated, you can thank your nearest conservative.[1]

[1]There are three major pieces of legislation that make up what today we call the Clean Water Act. Two of them were enacted under Republican presidents. That could never happen now, for Republicans no longer believe in such a thing as government regulation.

1 comment:

  1. And if we try to stop them, they will get Glen Beck to rant about Progressives taking away Americas right to drink crap without government interference. There go our precious bodily fluids.


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