Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Torture. It's Just Not For Giitmo Anymore

The Ninth Circuit has effectively legalized the use of torture by the police.

The Taser was marketed to the cops as an alternative to lethal force. That is what it should be regarded as; if the law does not support shooting someone, it should not be legal to use a Taser. That may be a strict view, but in light of the fact that the cops are using Tasers for situations where, in the past, they could not have even justified using a nightstick, the use of Tasers ought to be virtually banned.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the news stories should be written like this:

    Cops manfully resist gunning down a dangerous pregnant woman who viciously attacked three officers by sitting in her car and not obeying their commands quickly nor obsequiously enough. Their minimal torturing of the criminal was deemed 'not excessive' and 'fucking funny' according to a Federal Appeals court. Court recommendations for future pregnant woman encounters involve preventative heavy machine gun fire to protect our police officers' precious, precious safety. Critics maintain that police departments should stop hiring pants-shitting cowards and little, tin dictators, but such critics will soon be executed.


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