Monday, March 8, 2010

Quotas- "To Serve and Harass"

It's what the NYPD does: Arrest people for no reason, just to keep their numbers up.



  1. And this is supposed to be news... how? Most Americans already know this is happening. As long as it is happening mostly to people of a certain complexion (if you get my gist) rather than to good white God-fearin' REAL Amurricans, most Americans don't care.

    What, racism in America? Couldn't be!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. Of course we've always known this. But no cop would ever talk, on the record, about it.

    And now one has.

  3. Where can we send the flowers?

  4. Remember, Habeus Corpus is defunct now.

    Send the flowers to the next of Kin, unless they have been branded Domestic terrorists and have been detained without cause in some hell hole third world country, to be tortured under Executive Privilege.
    In that case, send the flowers to the nearest DC Madame underthe alias, Mitch McConnel.

  5. Yeah, I'd expect to read about a little "blue on blue" incident in the next year or so.


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