Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Pummelling of the Spawn

Where even the head of the Federalist Society says the Spawn of Cheney is full of shit.

What bugs me about MSNBC's video pages is that if you don't decide which video you want to see next, it picks one for you. That would not be so terrible if it didn't start with a 30 second commercial which, if you don't want to see that next video and would rather watch something else, forces you to watch the fucking commercial. Then, when you dump that video as it starts and you pick a new one, you get the same commercial again!

(H/T to a guy who'd rather not be named; I was watching the tape of Thursday's season finale to Burn Notice.)


  1. I was watching Burn Notice too.

    Thanks for reporting on this.

    It's good to know that someone on teh TV comments on the devil spawn running amuck.


  2. Spawn of Cheney full of shit? Who would have guessed? Proof positive that the turd never falls far from the asshole.


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