Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Jon Swift, whose real name was Al Weisel, died last Saturday. Yesterday, his mother put a comment into his last post.

Skippy has a lot more.

I did not know Jon. I never corresponded with him. But one day, back when having fifty hits a day was a lot, I got a big uptick in traffic. It was from Jon's blog, which I had not eve read. I must have written somethings he liked, for he linked to me.

I wondered what happened, since he went dark on his blog a year ago. It happens, life gets in the way, other projects require attention, food has to be put on the table (damn few bloggers make any money at it). It's a sad thing that Jon never returned to his blog in the last year and now, of course, he's gone west.

Fair winds and following seas forever, Jon.

1 comment:

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