Saturday, March 27, 2010

Knocking Them Together

President Obama is making some recess appointments.

In a tiredly predicable reaction, the Republicans are professing to be just outraged. They seem to be hoping that people will forget that the Hooverites were not so outraged when Chimpy made nearly 200 recess appointments during his soon-to-be-forgotten-by-history presidency.


  1. You're normally so insightful. So had did you get this so wrong ?

    Shrub won't be forgotten for a very, very long time. Move over Warren G. There's a new kid in town.

    Don Brown

  2. The only reason that anyone even thinks of presidents like Harding, Buchanan and Pierce is because they were such abject failures.

    Shrub used to pretend he was like Lincoln. The only thing that he had in common with Lincoln was the job title and mailing address.


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