Sunday, March 7, 2010

"It's a Matter of Principle to Try These Guys in a Civilian Court"

Except when it is not politically convenient, so it seems.
Feds involved in security preparations for lower Manhattan's Foley Square courthouse have been quietly ordered to cease all preparations for a 9/11 trial blocks from where the twin towers fell, the Daily News has learned.

Senior aides will soon urge President Obama to reverse Attorney General Eric Holder and prosecute the terrorists in a military courtroom, aides confirmed Friday.
Obama gains nothing by this. This is a decision that pisses off Obama's political friends and gladdens the hearts of his political enemies. It reinforces the perception that he is a political weathervane.

Worse, military tribunals have not shown themselves to be a stunning success. There have been scores of successful criminal prosecutions of terrorists since `01, but nothing has come out of the military tribunal system other than incompetence, confusion, and a continuing degradation of respect for the rule of law. Military tribunals have been a fucking disaster ever since those grinning fascists in the Bush Administration first proposed them.

But more to the point here: For the love of (insert name of your dear and fluffy lord here), make a goddammed decision for once, Barry, and stick to it!


  1. "Obama gains nothing by this."

    This is most frustrating because no matter which way the political winds blow there is nothing for him, not even a mealy mouthed promise of good behavior.

  2. Do you get the feeling that this O man administration is dragging everything out for the 2012 elections? No movement on healthcare; embarassing talk of withdrawal from Iraq, instead up the troop quota in Afghanistan; DOJ ok's torture lawyers; Supreme Court makes Corporations new Constitutional arm; can't decide where to try tirrist; does this all sound like George W Bush? If so, we're on the same page.

  3. Zero leadership ability.


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