Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How to Get a Face-Full of .45

Sarah Palin apparently wants to see if she can get some of the Teabaggers shot:
"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'" Palin said
Try to run someone off the road to stop then, yeah, that'll end well. The Teabaggers will be lucky if all they get is a night in jail. They might get shot.


  1. Sounds like what some yahoo in KY did. Yeah, he's facing felony charges.

  2. Actually, we should all stop Sarah Palin and ask her,
    "Hey, how's that newsy, interviewy thing with people you've never met, going?"

  3. I enjoyed seeing Sarah "Rahm should be fired for using the word 'retarded'" Palin criticize Democrats for being 'politically correct' when she was ranting on about guns and shooting constantly. I assume she hasn't ever heard of irony.

  4. @smelsofbikes;

    That would be the irony boardy thing.

  5. Or ball-bat smacked. Afterall, they could be trying to carjack me.

  6. I believe the proper reply is, "How is this Smith-y-Wesson-y thing working for you?"

  7. The Teabaggers will be lucky if all they get is a night in jail. They might get shot.

    They can't believe anyone on the 'left' side of the political spectrum does guns. To be fair, neither can a lot of liberals.

    I've reached the point of taking cruel pleasure in educating people who assume, just from the size of my gun collection, that I must also be a birther, a creationist, and all-round Tea Party m

    They're almost as much fun as people who assume, from my granola-munching, bicycle-commuting, NPR-listening tendencies, that I must be a pacifist.

    Heh. Heh. Heh.

  8. They hold on to their guns and their bibles like they are the only ones who have them. I am a damn good shot at close range (20 yds.) with anything from a .22 revolver to a .sig 45 with a single shot .410 break action revolver thrown in for good measure. Depending on the load, it may not kill ya but it will hurt you. The long range stuff is different and I am much better at long range. I Don't believe that these rubes believe their own bullshit about the liberals being pussies. Hah. Bring it.


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