Saturday, March 27, 2010

Caturday Repaired

"Hey, moron, put down the camera and fix the food bowl!"

George is playing with a Q-Tip:

Gracie asks: "George, you're playing with a Q-Tip? Are you retarded or something?"

(I posted an earlier version of this on a time-delay. It seems to have vanished from the queue.)


  1. That look of disgust on their little furry faces as they contemplate the empty food bowl and the pure incompetence of their staff that allowed it to become empty is a classic...

    -Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  2. We actually have to bury the Q-tips in the garbage and hope our three do not knock over the can to get at them. It
    s gross.

  3. I don't know what it is with cats and just-used Q-tips. George goes nuts playing with them.


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