Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Helicopter Harold is Grounded

Harold E. Ford Jr., the former Tennessee congressman who has sought to parlay his star power and Wall Street connections into a political career in New York, has decided not to challenge Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand in the Democratic primary this September, according to friends and advisers.
"Star power"? Are they fucking serious? He's best known for losing an election in Tennessee, moving to New York and then forgetting to pay taxes.

Beyond that, Helicopter Harold's "Wall Street connections" were certain to make ol' Harold a lot more popular, as nobody blames Wall Street for the fact that tens of millions of Americans are out of work. [/snark]


  1. Truth is, Ford is a weak cowardly turd from Tennessee who misunderestimated the bare-knuckle intensity of dislike for his ilk of Wall Street lackey. His idea to run was a pipe dream from the start. Here's the quitting pussy's op-ed in the NYTimes today: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/02/opinion/02ford2.html
    Quitting quitter takes his toys and goes home because people been mean to him. He learned pretty fracking quick that New Yorkers aren't the step-n-fetchits that he's used to from his slumming days in Tennessee. Good riddance.

  2. I saw that he had an op-ed in the Times this morning. I figured it would be a self-serving steaming pile of rancid offal, so I didn't bother to read it before posting this entry.


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