Monday, March 1, 2010

The Headsman Comes By on Fridays

At least it seems that's when the Navy releases news of the firings of commanding officers. This time, it is the CO of NAS Pensacola for "inappropriate conduct", which could be anything from a DWI charge to aggravated assault.

I suspect that the Navy plays the old "release bad news on Fridays" game, just like everyone else. I don't know how well that really works; the old dead-tree edition of Navy Times was a weekly paper. Even then, it sometimes took a month for it to get everywhere, so if one story was a week behind, nobody much cared.


  1. We just had the CO of C.F.B. (Canadian Forces Base) Trenton arrested for two murders, a couple of rapes and is now under investigation for missing teenage girls wherever he was posted! Beat that!

  2. Agreed, it is pretty hard to top a CO who is suspected of being a serial killer.


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