Thursday, March 18, 2010

From the "No Shit, Sherlock" Files

A few stories from Think Progress that are no surprise whatsoever:

Wellpoint, a health insurance company set up a "charitable foundation" to help people that have no insurance. But those lying fucks at Wellpoint has not spent anywhere near the amount of money to help people that they promised.

John Boehner is looking out for the interests of the banksters. The last thing Boehner wants to do is reform the financial system to make it harder for the banksters like Citigroup and Goldman Sachs to engineer collapses so hey can make money off them (and get the Treasury to bail them out each time).

Tactics that Republicans have used in the past to pass legislation are now "unconstitutional" when Democrats use them. It is just another iteration of the rule that "It's OK If You Are a Republican".

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