Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Flake Equation

From xkcd:

(As always, click on the image to embiggen)

In a conversation a few months ago, an acquaintance was describing something that had happened to her. At the end of her tale, she said: "I can't explain it, it must have been a miracle."

I said: "What do you mean by `I can't explain it', you just did."

She looked at me as though I had just switched over to speaking in Swedish. I left it at that rather than go on and point out that not having a rational explanation for the occurrence, she was offering an irrational explanation.

There are times that I'd like to have a retail store, just for the fun of pricing something as "$√-36, one per customer", just to see how long it would take for someone to try to pay for it with imaginary money.


  1. Oh, paying for that would be easy: you just need to scrawl the sum in on the check with a pen that writes at a right angle to the paper.
    It's an Apple product: the iPen.

  2. The link thingy doesn't work. (IOW, clicking does not embiggen).

    I'm sure that comic equation's resemblance to the Drake equation is no accident. It certainly makes it funnier.

  3. Then I re-read the title of the comic. Yes, I'll go have some quiet time now.


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