Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cap & Trade--- zOMG, Socialism!!!1!!11!

You might have read all sorts of shit on the conservative blogs decrying the idea of "cap & trade" as a way to control CO2 emissions.

I guess they've forgotten that cap & trade was a Republican idea. Cap & trade originated from the GOP-allied think tanks over 20 years ago as a way to use market forces to control the emission of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides to reduce "acid rain." Cap & trade was a centerpiece of the 1990 Clean Air Act, which was signed into lay by a Republican president.

But now cap & trade is a dangerous liberrrrullll/commie/socialist idea, along with other formerly Republican ideas such as civil rights for minorities, limiting the power of monopolies and oligarchies ("trust busting"), ensuring that food and medicines are safe and protecting the rights of workers.

Go figure.

I gather that somebody had better enroll George H.W. Bush and the Republicans in the congress in 1990 into the CPUSA and get their party cards out to them..

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, conservatives from the richest people in the world down to the poorest working slobs think that we won't be free until we're all chained up back in the mills and shopping at the company store, working alongside our children for fifteen hours a day.

    Anything less massively productive for our overlords, and we're in socialist hell.


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