Friday, February 26, 2010

Yank the Broomstick Outta Yer Ass and Lighten Up

So the Canadian Women's Hockey Team got a little carried away with their celebrating after they won the gold medal?

Big fucking deal. They are the champions of the world right now.

Let them celebrate and fuck everyone who can't take a joke.


  1. The champagne bottle with the fake Molson label is funny.

  2. I come her for the culture. You can't find this stuff at just any blog. :)

  3. Dear Miss Fit:

    It reminds one of the...umm...humorless misogynistic dimwits (yeah, that's about right) who went apoplectic when Brandy Chastain took her jersey off after the first womens' World Cup victory. I guess some things never change.




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