There's a key point in danger of being lost in all the he-said-he-said froth over what Congressional Republicans were told in the hours after the failed Christmas attack: none of the GOP leaders disputes that an Obama aide informed them that suspect Umar Abdulmutallab was being held in FBI custody. ... The key question is whether the Republicans, who have been hammering President Obama in recent weeks over the decision to hold and try Abdulmutallab in the criminal justice system, should have known that the fact that Abdulmutallab was in FBI custody meant that he would have been read his Miranda rights.In order for the "we didn't think that the Skivvy Bomber was going to be read his Miranda rights when he was arrested by the FBI" to be plausible, you would have to accept the idea that there is not a single Congressional Republican who has ever seen an episode of "Law & Order" or "CSI" or any of the other gazillion episodes of police shows that have been put on the air for the past forty fucking years.
I'll bet that of all of the Constitutional rights Americans enjoy, that most people can make a passable attempt to recite their Miranda rights. But when it comes to Republican congresscritters, I guess not.
You guys south of the border are starting to really, really scare me.