Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And the Bubbleheads Will Go Nuts

The Pentagon on Monday notified Congress that women will be able to join submarine crews within 30 legislative working days, making good on the wishes of top Navy commanders announced last fall.
I would expect that the bulk of outrage will come primarily from the wives of the submariners, who will imply that their husbands are irrepressible hose-monsters who would all fuck an alligator if someone else held it down for them. The retired submariners will have something to say, too. The ones on active duty will largely have the good sense to shut up, salute and make it work.

Note, though, that from one side of the planet to the other, restrictions on women are always justified because men cannot control themselves. Men must really be such morally weak and pathetic creatures that women have to circumscribe their behavior and careers to avoid men going all caveman on women.


  1. Well if their going to do this, why not just hire dancing girl, a full bar open 24/7 and a few slot machines and turn the boat into a party barge. I mean if they received the message to launch their entire warhead in a world ending attack, I would not want to be the only girl on that boat.

  2. Most subs aren't designed to carry ballistic missiles.

    My only question, as a former fast-attack bubblehead, is how they're going to address the whole separate heads (that's 'restrooms' to everyone outside the USN and USMC) thing. Now, that would be easier on a boomer.

  3. How about making the heads M during odd clock hours and F during even clock hours?

  4. Some (a lot?) of men are/have been raised as pigs with no regard for others but especially women. But not all of us are assholes.
    So my question is when are we going to grow the fuck up? At what time in our ascension as humans will a majority of us mature past the age of 16? At least by the time we are 35. Because right now it looks like the majority of rethugs adults of either sex never matured past 6. And some of them are in their 70s and 80s so they should have reached maturity of at least 14.

  5. How about making the heads M during odd clock hours and F during even clock hours?

    I suspect they'll come up with something simpler than that. Apparently the policy is going to be implemented on the larger boats first, so that makes the logistics easier.

    I've seen physical strength mentioned as a potential issue, but that strikes me as something of a red herring.

    In the first place, the kind of lifting people tend to do on subs is more dependent on technique than on muscle. Secondly, the first women bubbleheads are almost guaranteed to be officers, for whom the ability to lift heavy things is well down the list of priorities.


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