Thursday, January 14, 2010

What They Said

Jon Stewart: "The only people who have fully recovered from the financial meltdown are the people who caused the financial meltdown."

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Clusterf#@k to the Poor House - Wall Street Bonuses
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Keith Olbermann, on the batshit racist comments of Limpballs and Robertson:
"Mr. Robertson, Mr. Limbaugh, your lives are not worth those of the lowest, meanest, poorest of those victims still lying under that rubble in Haiti tonight. You serve no good, you serve no God. You inspire only stupidity and hatred, and I would wish you to hell. But knowing how empty your souls must be for you to be able to say such things in a time of such pain, I suspect the vacant, purposeless lives you both live now are hell enough already."


  1. Pity we can't airdrop both Limbaugh and Robertson into some remote location IN Haiti. I'd like to see them do the "walk a mile in their shoes" bit for a while...the asshats.

  2. Fox News felt the need to browbeat Robertson. Just shows how creepy his remarks were.

  3. JS asked why we had to bail out the banks and the answer is so they can do it to us again. Over and over and over....

    Let's just air drop them from 50 thousand feet into the middle of the North Atlantic. Without parachutes. In winter. Fuckers.


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