Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union Speech

It is tonight. I'll pass.

I was in favor of the financial bailouts, of course, but I wanted them tied to meaningful financial reform, including a restoration of Glass-Steagel. That didn't happen, the window for serious financial reform has, to my mind, closed. Considering the opportunity the President had when he came into office to make some serious financial reforms, he has wasted time. Which, as far as I can tell, is just what the two Wall Street Boys, Larry Summers and Timmy Geithner, had in mind.

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The window for health care reform may be closed, as well. On the plus side, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act passed, he did get some stimulus into the economy (not enough, to my mind) and the provision to hold defense contractors accountable for the rapists in their midst.

But in the main, I am starting to sign onto the belief that we now have George W. Bush Lite in office. All of the civil liberties violations and, just like the Chimperor, the same 24/7 concern about politics over leading the nation.

I don't care what he says tonight. Speechfying isn't going to cut it for me anymore. I want to see what he gets done.


  1. I'll leave the same comment here that I just left on a right leaning blog:

    He's talking a good game (general tax cuts, eliminate capital gains on small businesses, nuclear energy, health care reform that actually lowers premiums) but I don't see him able to deliver on them.

    Shame. Some of the stuff coming up on the teleprompter is actually pretty good.

    Also, it was pretty damned funny when he was going on on tax cuts and called out the Republicans for not applauding that. :)

  2. I reluctantly watched it and ended up liking him again.
    But the Senate can kiss my progressive ass.


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