Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The Democrats will probably lose the MA special election today. As much as I do not want to see this happen, I have to admit that the party has it coming to them. They are about as inept a goup of political clowns as I can ever remember. Bush never had a supermajority in the Senate and he was able to ram most of his pro-rich, anti-people, environment-destroying, pro-tyranny agenda through the Congress. Even if the Democrats had 65 or 70 seats in the Senate, they would not be able to do shit.

When are the Democrats going to buy a clue and realize that the Republicans are not interested in governing, they are only interested in ruling? When are the Democrats going to wake up and realize that the other party is a party, not of adults, but of bratty, spoiled rotten children? The Republicans' conduct since they lost the majority has collectively been like a whiny kid deprived of his shiny new toy: All they do is pitch hissy fits and throw tantrums. There is no sense of responsibility on the part of the Republican party, no sense that there is a government or country to run. No, the Republicans have been taking the position of "if you don't do things our way, we'll go home and not play, so there, nyahh!"

It's pretty pathetic, but given that the de facto leaders of the GOP these days are a drug-abusing radio broadcaster and a know-nothing dropout, that should not come as a surprise. What is the real shocker is that the Democrats cannot do anything about it.

Jon Stewart had a good riff on the first point of this post last night, but the Daily Show computer geeks have been posting the clips later in the day than they used to, so check back later.


The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Mass Backwards
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Stephen Colbert was pretty good, too:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Massachusetts Special Election
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorEconomy

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