Thursday, January 7, 2010

Domino's Admits That Their Pizzas Suck

Besides being founded by a guy who is only slight to the left of Genghis Kahn, Domino's pizzas really do taste horrible.

Domino's is running commercials which say that "yes we know our pizzas are terrible and we are now going to start using real ingredients."

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Alpha Dog of the Week - Domino's Pizza
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I'm kind of mystified by this. Domino's did a pretty good business by promising that they could deliver ketchup-flavored cardboard in 30 minutes or less. Who is taking away their market share by delivering real food?

Or was the Onion's piece on this a little too close to the truth for them?

Domino's Scientists Test Limits Of What Humans Will Eat


  1. At least here in the Silly Cone Valley, nobody orders Dominos. They either do take-out from their local pizzeria, or they get delivery from Round Table, a regional pizza chain. I've never seen or heard of anybody ever ordering a Dominos delivery here, though obviously somebody does, since there are Dominos storefronts in places.

    So I suspect that they simply started losing share to the local pizzerias and regional chains to the point where their network of pizza stores isn't making as much money as they'd like. I suppose there's still places where Domino's is the only game in town. But that probably isn't the most profitable markets.

    - Badtux the Pizza-lovin' Penguin

  2. When you really just have to have a pizza and Dominos is the only place in town, and you call that pizza, get new taste buds. Have them welded in, it won't hurt at all.

  3. Back in the 70s, they were pretty good. But, just like the auto industry, they became more interested in making money than pizza.
    Just sayin'


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