Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Corporate Asshole of the Week

Bill Nuti, CEO of National Cash Register. He didn't like the idea of living in Dayton, Ohio, so he moved the company to Atlanta.


  1. Have you ever been to Dayton, Ohio? It's not as dismal as Toledo, but you'd have to shoot me through the frontal cortex to get me to move there. Ick!

    Which brings to mind something that I keep repeating to people: Quality of life counts. Atlanta sort of lucked into its current situation, but it's now an actual thriving city with all the stuff that makes an actual thriving city an exciting place to live, while Dayton is... Dayton.

    - Badtux the City Penguin

  2. I've been to Dayton. It's not my idea of a great town. But there is still something deeply evil about uprooting a few thousand people's lives because one arrogant fuck doesn't want to move to the city that his employment contract required him to move to. If the jerk didn't want to move to Dayton, he should not have taken the job.

    Anyone who does a deal with NCR should be advised that the corporation's word is no good.

  3. In his defense, I lived near Dayton for several years, and I would do the same. :)


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