Thursday, December 10, 2009

Yes, We Sold You That iPhone, Now Stop Using It.

That would seem to be what AT&T wants, for they are asking their customers to back off using their iPhones for doing all of the things that they sold the iPhones to do.


  1. Yeah, that ticks me off big-time. I wish there was some other device out there that would do all the sh*t that the iPhone does. Unfortunately the closest competitor that does most of what the iPhone does is the Palm Pre, and it still needs another hardware rev before it's up to iPhone capabilities... not to mention that Sprint is only slightly less annoying than AT&T, but that's another story.

    - Badtux the iPhoney Penguin

  2. I find it sickly funny as my neighborhood has poor to no AT&T service and all data I do get is via the WiFi path! If the 3G was NFG I'd still get as good use.

    If 3% of the users are sucking down all that bandwidth they say then one can calculate that the network is terminally undersized especially considering 3G is NOT all that fast!

    Ah, ma bell your age is still showing.



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