Friday, December 11, 2009


I've gotten away from reading much in the way of SF over the last few decades. Hard-boiled PI stuff is more to my liking. And yes, I do not read legal fiction; why the hell would I want to read about my own field for fun is beyond me. Reading fiction is escapism.

But having said that, I stumbled over the blog "I Work on a Starship". It is very good stuff and if you like technical-type SF, you will not be disappointed, though you do have to go to her home blog, click on the "I work on a starship" tag, and page back to November of last year to get to the beginning. At least I think it is the beginning.

Hopefully, there will be a book someday.


  1. Cool beans. More, More, more!

    Good SF, none of the fantasy crap.


  2. Thanks. Eck! And thanks to E.B., too, for her kind comments and links!

  3. Roberta, you have a real talent for techie=type fiction. I would urge you to try to publish it, if you can stand the self-abashed-promotion that it takes (see larry Correia of Monster Hunter International).

  4. Roberta, anytime ya want to talk about ceramic metal tetrodes I have some 4cx250 and 4cx10000 stories.

    this xyl has hacked radio and digital for a lot of years.

    Great read, had to fish all the way back
    but got them all.



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