Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Portrait Of One Wrinkled, Fucked-Out Bitter Old (Political) Whore

But he feels "relevant".
Since the details of a looming public option compromise have begun to leak out, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) has reiterated his opposition to a triggered public option--which is reportedly part of a new health care agreement.
I curse the souls of all you idiot Nutmeggers who sent that douchebag, that bought-and-paid-for tool of the insurance industry, back to the Senate three years ago.

That old egotistical spoogebucket has never gotten over the fact when he tried to run for President in 2004, when he claimed that he had "joe-mentum", that the Ebola Virus polled higher than he did. Which is what he deserved, given his open-mouthed smooching of the Bush Administration.

So now he is bitter. And he is sticking it to everyone he can possibly fuck over in retaliation.

But hey, we out here beyond the Beltway warned you idiots in the Democratic party that Lieberman, especially after his vocal support of the Palin-McCain ticket, was not to be trusted. We warned you. Yet you trusted him anyway, you gave him the chairmanship of the Senate committee that he coveted. In return for your welcoming him into the fold, Lieberman has wasted not a single opportunity to shiv you stupid pricks six ways from Sunday. We told you that is exactly what he would do, but you didn't listen.

We told you so.

I really don't feel sorry for the Senate Democrats. For a majority party, they make "ineffectual" seem like high praise. In comparison, if the situation was reversed, if Lieberman was a Republican and if they had sixty senators, every time Lieberman opened his yap, Dick Cheney would have had him beaten with rubber hoses back into a coma. By the time Cheney finished working him over, Lieberman would have made Terry Schiavo look like a chatterbox. Harry Reid, on the other hand, couldn't discipline a puppy.

Between the spinelessness of the Democrats and the blackened and putrefying hearts of the Republicans, this nation is seriously screwed.

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