Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Now Hear This: Commence Operation Pants-Wetting!

A Chinese admiral has proposed that China negotiate deals for overseas naval bases.

The neocons will be shitting copiously into their britches over this one. We shall see how quickly they can shift gears from crapping their jeans over the Attack of the Underwear Bomber.


  1. China has an admiral? ;).

    China has a bunch of submarines and some coastal patrol frigates and a handful of outdated submarine warfare destroyers, and that's pretty much it. Overseas basing for some of their diesel-electric subs would multiply their throw weight, but China's military in general is oriented around defense of the homeland (and generations-long planning for an invasion of Taiwan), not about overseas adventures. I suppose some overseas basing rights would be useful for those cases where they want to protect Chinese merchant vessels from piracy, but we're still talking destroyers and frigates here, not friggin' carrier battle groups...

    - Badtux the Military Penguin

  2. I'm pretty sure that we have almost as many admirals as the Navy has ships.

  3. Hey, let them put a few bases here and we can work off that debt. Like say in Texanistan, and Alaskastan.

    Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.


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