Monday, December 21, 2009


A Republican asks people to pray for bad things to happen to one Democratic senator:
At 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon -- nine hours before the 1 a.m. vote that would effectively clinch the legislation's passage -- Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) went to the Senate floor to propose a prayer. "What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can't make the vote tonight," he said. "That's what they ought to pray."
I should be shocked and outraged, but that is pretty much par for the course for the party of Hoover. They chose to bet that the Democrats could not get their act together, they bet wrong, and now they are praying for divine intervention.

It's about what I would have expected from Coburn, a patently evil fucktard who made a point of shafting disabled veterans. The rest of that drooling pack of fear-mongers who make up the GOP Senate caucus were, in truth, cowed into submission by the batshit-crazy far-rightists of the their party, who made it plain that if their Senators vote for even one thing that President Obama wants, they will be punished. So the Hooverite Senators held up votes on defense spending as a tactic to delay the health care bill, something that if the Democrats had dared to do under Bush, the GOP would have been screaming cries of treason.

The Republicans have chosen the path of obstructionism for the sake of pure partisanship. They may pay a price for that in November, for obstructionism does not play well with independent voters.



  1. I don't normally pray to any ethereal deities, but I have begun praying for the demise of Dr. No. Perhaps, as Linus hopes with the Great Pumpkin, my sincerity will win through.

  2. Have you noticed the T-shirts and bumper stickers advertising Psalms 109:8-12?


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