Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It's even good for you:
Drinking coffee is associated with a reduced risk of liver disease and Type 2 diabetes. The latter is backed up by a study published this month in the Archives of Internal Medicine; it suggested that three to four cups of joe a day might reduce chances of developing Type 2 diabetes by roughly 25 percent.
I'd blog some more about this, but I'm suddenly feeling the need for more of that healthy stuff.


  1. I imagine the amount of sugar that I put in it to make it drinkable negates any benefit.

  2. Thank you for solving my "what the heck am I going to write about in the morning" problem. The only question is whether I write whilst drinking coffee or tea! I'll ping you when the post is up.herso

  3. And here's that post http://ageagainst.com/diet-and-exercise/a-proper-cup-of-coffee/

  4. Bridget, thanks for the link!


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