Sunday, November 29, 2009

What Do They Call It When They Yank a M.D.'s License

They "disbar" lawyers and "defrock" priests. Do they "de(white)coat" them? Deboard them?

Any suggestions? (It's warmed up and I am off to the airport.)


  1. I'm reminded of Moe pulling down on Curly's stethoscope and snapping it back in his face.

    But it doesn't suggest a handy term.

  2. Like sending ships to sea, they "un-doc" them.

  3. Since it's usually self-inflicted, these docs are said to have "quacked".

  4. Here in the UK, misbehaving medicos are "struck off" the register of their governing body, the General Medical Council, which prevents them from practising.


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