Wednesday, November 18, 2009


A speaker at an anti-immigration rally in St. Paul, Minnesota, this past weekend got the crowd to support more than just the deportation of all illegal immigrants -- he got them cheering for the eviction of all European-descended immigrants to America who "stole this land through genocide and ethnic cleansing."
There is a video embedded in the story. My favorite part was, after he whipped up the crowd, he got them to chant "Columbus go home!"



  1. O that's hilarious. I hope Jon is watching, I'm proud of my home town (except about 40 of them apparently).

  2. If brains were gold, teabaggers would be even poorer than they already are. Just sayin'.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. I had to see it to believe it. I've heard of "speaking truth to power," but I think we really need to speak truth to idiots. Which will be a lot tougher. Power already knows the truth. These folks don't want to know.


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